CONTRAST members co-author new article in Environmental Pollution

min read
February 12, 2025

The article, Integrative oxidative stress biomarkers in gills and digestive gland of the combined exposure to citalopram and bezafibrate with polyethylene microplastics on mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis, is published in the journal Environmental Pollution.

The authors are M.M. García-Pimentel, M.Mezzelani, N.J. Valdés, M.E. Giuliani, S. Gorbi, F. Regoli, Victor M. León and Juan Antonio Campillo. The two latter, Victor and Juan Antonio, are our good colleagues in CONTRAST.


• The potential of both PhACs to induceoxidative stress in mussels was confirmed.

• Both PhACs provoked potential neurotoxic effects after prolonged exposure in mussels.

• Transcriptomic responses were more sensitive than traditional biomarkers.

• PhACs provoked adverse effects in mussels with and without relevant bioaccumulation.

• MPs modulated the effects induced by dissolved PhACs during and after exposure.

The article can be read and downloaded here.

We congratulate all of the authors with their new publicaton 🥳!

Graphical abstract